When I retired from cycling I started running and won the Highland Cross and did a few marathons with my best being London in 2.44.
In 2008 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 40. Not knowing much about the condition I decided to do the Marathon Des Sables through the Sahara desert to raise awareness and money to help find a cure for type 1 which I raised 26K for two diabetes charities.
After the MDS I attempted to do the 350 miles 6633 Arctic Ultra Marathon in the Yukon in North Canada failing and pulling out 270 miles into the race.
I decided to return one year later to try and finish unfinished business which I managed to finish in 2nd place with the 6th fastest time in the races history.
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Email : sales @bikesofinverness.co.uk
Address : 39 Grant St, Inverness, IV3 8BP
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