I've been with the shop since the start, I remember sitting in a car with Roddy looking at an old building in poor state of repair discussing on whether we could turn this into a bike shop business.
Kenny agreed to come on board, the old building was demolished, shop was opened in November 1988.
We had to work right through the night to get opened on time for that first day. At my 'Day Job' that afternoon - I momentarily fell asleep in front of a work colleague mid conversation - no stamina !
Out of the 11000 people who have completed the challenge Jed was
the youngest from the UK .
In recent years I have really enjoyed riding the big ' hills ' in Europe with trips to The Alpes, Pyrenees & Dolomites.
I decided to return one year later to try and finish unfinished business which I managed to finish in 2nd place with the 6th fastest time in the races history.
Last year with my son Jed rode the 'Cingles du Mont Ventoux' the 3 ascents From Bedoin, Malaucene and Sault . Rode the 135km, 4400m ascent in 7hr 15m. Now we are official members of 'Club des Cingle du Mont Ventoux'. http://www.clubcinglesventoux.org/
I enjoy riding my bike whenever I can, in the 'old days' would have ridden in all weathers , although now happier to stay indoors when weather is bad and have fun in 'Zwiftland' https://zwift.com/ A much happier place to be !
I enjoy providing support for my son taking to training and races, including the Velodrome in Glasgow, maybe one day there could be one here in Inverness. Mike Greaves and John MacMillan have done a great deal of work in this front, fund raising and raising awareness http://www.hivelo.co.uk/ Whatever spare time is remaining, there is always plenty to do at home, which I find very therapeutic and rewarding, I do enjoy playing a being an apprentice crofter at home, particularly getting onboard my Zetor 7745!
To chill it has to be dog time at the beach.
Phone : 01463 225965
Email : sales @bikesofinverness.co.uk
Address : 39 Grant St, Inverness, IV3 8BP
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